MRT in der postoperativen Diagnostik bei funktionell univentrikulärem Herz: Korrelation zu Echokardiographie und Kardangiographie

  • F Weiss
  • C R Habermann
  • C Lilje
  • K Sasse
  • T Kühne
  • J Weil
  • G Adam


PURPOSE: To determine the value of MRI in the postoperative evaluation of a singular ventricle compared to echocardiography and cardiac catheterization.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-one patients (range: 6 months to 30 years) with a functional single ventricle following palliative corrective operations. Five patients had a Blalock-Taussig-Shunt, 8 patients a Glenn-Anastomosis and 18 a cavopulmonary shunt (6 with classic Fontan-Circulation, 12 with modified cavopulmonary anastomosis). The results in terms of postoperative morphologic changes were compared to percutaneous echocardiography (31/31) and cardiac catheterization (6/31).

RESULTS: Echocardiography, which was performed on all patients, could not visualize the entire length of the tunnel, the Glenn-Anastomosis or the central pulmonary arteries in 70 % of the patients due to an inadequate acoustic window. MRI was able to show the entire tunnel in 11/12 patients and the central pulmonary arteries in 30/31 patients. The exact anatomy was seen in all 6 patients undergoing cardiac catheterization.

CONCLUSION: MRI is useful in the postoperative evaluation of a functionally single ventricle. It is superior to echocardiography. Cardiac catheterization should be reserved for patients with inconclusive MRI findings.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionMRI in postoperative assessment of univentricular heart disease: correlation with echocardiography and angiography
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 12.2002
PubMed 12471526