Mitochondrial DNA variation in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Tanja M K Göbel
  • Martin Bodner
  • Carlo Robino
  • Christa Augustin
  • Gabriela E Huber
  • Michele Marra
  • Léon Mutesa
  • Serena Pasino
  • Alfredo Santovito
  • Bettina Zimmermann
  • Peter M Schneider
  • Walther Parson

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This study provides 398 novel complete mitochondrial control region sequences that augment the still underrepresented data from Africa by three datasets: a mixed West African sample set deriving from 12 countries (n = 145) and datasets from Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) (n = 100) as well as Rwanda (n = 153). The analysis of mtDNA variation and genetic comparisons with published data revealed low random match probabilities in all three datasets and typical West African and East African diversity, respectively. Genetic parameters indicate that the presented mixed West African dataset may serve as first forensic mtDNA control region database for West Africa in general. In addition, a strategy for responsible forensic application of precious mtDNA population samples potentially containing close maternal relatives is outlined. The datasets will be uploaded to the forensic mtDNA database EMPOP ( upon publication.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 01.2020
PubMed 31775077