Mitbetreuung und Einbeziehung von Angehörigen in Comprehensive Cancer Centern – eine Erhebung der AG Palliativmedizin der von der Deutschen Krebshilfe geförderten Onkologischen Spitzenzentren

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BACKGROUND:  According to current oncological guidelines, early integration of specialist palliative care (SPC) represents standard cancer care supporting not only the patients, but also their family caregivers. Data on the actual implementation in daily oncology practice in Germany are lacking.

METHODS:  The Palliative Care Working Group of the network of Comprehensive Cancer Centers certified by the German Cancer Aid (CCC) assessed the implementation of measures for family caregiver support and involvement within the CCC/within SPC in the CCC/local outside the CCC in all 17 CCC locations.

RESULTS:  In the CCC/in SPC psycho-oncological (100 %/94 %), social (94 %/100 %) and spiritual counselling of family caregivers (94 % each) as well as support for children with parental cancer (88 %/100 %) and information materials for family caregivers (88 % each) are well established. Training on nursing skills (77 %/94 %) and family conferences (59 %/88 %) are established more frequently within SPC than in the rest of the CCC. SOPs are rather rare (23 %/18 %) as well as screenings for family caregiver needs (0/24 %). Bereavement or self-help groups are with 82 % each more frequent locally outside the CCC. Psycho-oncological and social counselling as well as support for children with parental cancer were scored as most important (94 % each). For SPC, training on nursing skills and information materials were rated equally (94 % each). SOPs were rated as very/extremely important in 47 %/41 % and routine screening for family caregiver in 53 %/65 %.

CONCLUSION:  In correspondence to their importance, psychosocial and spiritual counselling and support for children with parental cancer are well implemented in CCC. In SPC, training on nursing skills and family conferences are also well implemented. SOPs for family caregiver support and involvement as well as routine screenings for family caregiver needs have to be implemented urgently in the CCC.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionSupport for and involvement of family caregivers in Comprehensive Cancer Center - an Assessment of the Palliative Care Working Group within the network of Comprehensive Cancer Center funded by the German Cancer Aid
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 09.2021

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PubMed 34416786