Metamorphic changes within the lateral-line system of Anura

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The metamorphic loss of lateral-line organs, lateral-line nerves and second order lateral-line neurons was examined in two Anuran species. At the onset of metamorphic climax, terminals within the lateral-line neuropil showed accumulation of glycogen-like granules. Neither the lateral-line nerve nor the organs or the nerve terminals inside the organs displayed any sign of degeneration at this stage. A few second order neurons exhibited accumulations of chromatin into conspicuous masses. These cells were partially or completely engulfed by phagocytes. At mid-metamorphosis all lateral-line organs were lost. The proximal parts of the lateral-line nerve fibers entering the rhombencephalic alar plate showed signs of degeneration. Within the lateral-line neuropil, pre- and some postsynaptic elements exhibited the flocculent type of degeneration or, to a lesser extent, the dark type of degeneration. Second order lateral-line neurons underwent an electron-dense or electron-lucent type of degeneration and were taken up by phagocytes. At the end of metamorphic climax the distal parts of the lateral-line nerves showed numerous dark degenerating fibers inside an intact myelin sheath. Within the lateral-line neuropil, numerous dark degenerating presynaptic elements were found next to some elements showing flocculent degeneration. Fewer degenerating second order neurons were found in the alar plate. They showed predominantly the dark type of degeneration. In contrast to earlier reports, our data suggest that the degenerative metamorphic changes observed in the present study are initiated in all parts of the lateral-line system simultaneously, and lead to the complete loss of all lateral-line organs and nerves and presumably all second order lateral-line neurons as well.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1987
PubMed 3495204