Manual dexterity correlating with right lobule VI volume in right-handed 14-year-olds.

  • Simone Kühn
  • Alexander Romanowski
  • Christina Schilling
  • Tobias Banaschewski
  • Alexis Barbot
  • Gareth J Barker
  • Rüdiger Brühl
  • Christian Büchel
  • Patricia J Conrod
  • Katharina Czech
  • Jeff W Dalley
  • Herta Flor
  • Hugh Garavan
  • Ines Häke
  • Bernd Ittermann
  • Nikolay Ivanov
  • Karl Mann
  • Mark Lathrop
  • Eva Loth
  • Katharina Lüdemann
  • Catherine Mallik
  • Jean-Luc Martinot
  • Carla Palafox
  • Jean-Baptiste Poline
  • Jan Reuter
  • Marcella Rietschel
  • Trevor W Robbins
  • Michael N Smolka
  • Frauke Nees
  • Bernadeta Walaszek
  • Gunter Schumann
  • Andreas Heinz
  • Jürgen Gallinat
  • IMAGEN Consortium

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Dexterity is a fundamental skill in our everyday life. Particularly, the fine-tuning of reaching for objects is of high relevance and crucially coordinated by the cerebellum. Although neuronal cerebellar structures mediate dexterity, classical whole brain voxel-based morphometry (VBM) has not identified structural correlates of dexterity in the cerebellum.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012
pubmed 21925277