Living without Partnered Sex in Germany. Results From the First Representative, Population-based German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)


Broader insights into the life situations of sexually inactive adults in Germany are widely unexplored. Within the nationally-representative survey GeSiD (German Health and Sexuality Survey), undertaken 2018-2019, data of 4,758 participants with lifetime interpersonal sexual experience aged 18-75 years (men: n = 2234; women: n = 2524) were analyzed in regards to partnered sexual inactivity in the past 12 months (PSI; no genital-involving sexual contact with another person). Overall, advanced age, being single and impaired health conditions were associated with PSI. Data showed gender-specific associations with PSI, such as less alcohol, smoking and drug use in women. PSI was associated with lower general life satisfaction throughout different age groups.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023