Klinische Ethik systemisch betrachtet – Vom Einfluss systemischer Grundannahmen und Methoden auf die Gestaltung einer effektiven Ethikberatung


Definition of the problem
Quality of care also includes a professional approach to ethical challenges. This involves the moral interpretation of an issue and the management of intra- and interpersonal reflection processes. Combining both is the central task of clinical ethics consultation (CEC). Despite its importance only a few studies have dealt with the appropriate methods for steering reflection processes.

CEC requires a theory-based and methodological approach. The argumentation shows the effects that systems theory and systemic methods have on the effectiveness of CEC. The main methods such as clarification of mandates and handling complexity are presented, and their impact on dealing with ethical challenges is shown through the discussion of two cases.

The paper provides insight into systems thinking. It discusses the influence that systemic tools have on dealing with typical challenges within clinical ethics counselling. It also shows how specific counselling methods impact a normative level.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionSystemic approach to clinical ethics—impact of systems thinking and practice on the design of effective ethics consultations
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 24.06.2022