Interactive volume visualization using "intelligent movies".

  • R Schubert
  • B Pflesser
  • Andreas Pommert
  • K Priesmeyer
  • Martin Riemer
  • T Schiemann
  • U Tiede
  • P Steiner
  • K H Höhne


High quality visualization of medical volume models as performed by the VOXEL-MAN and similar systems is still too time consuming and the interaction complicated when sophisticated tools like dissection are used. We hence developed a new paradigm allowing to create simpler derivatives of the model, called "intelligent movies". These are in QuickTime or QuickTime VR format which allow interactive exploration with two degrees of freedom. As a decisive novelty, we extended it by a pixelwise link to the knowledge base which may be queried in the image context. Thus scenes emphasizing a selected aspect of the volume model may be created as intelligent movies, which a user (referring physician, student) can explore largely with the functionality of VOXEL-MAN, but in real time--on any standard PC--and also via a JAVA applet within web browsers. This is shown with the example of 3D interactive anatomical atlases and clinical cases.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 1999
pubmed 10538380