Instant classification for the spatially-coded BCI


The spatially-coded SSVEP BCI exploits changes in the topography of the steady-state visual evoked response to visual flicker stimulation in the extrafoveal field of view. In contrast to frequency-coded SSVEP BCIs, the operator does not gaze into any flickering lights; therefore, this paradigm can reduce visual fatigue. Other advantages include high classification accuracies and a simplified stimulation setup. Previous studies of the paradigm used stimulation intervals of a fixed duration. For frequency-coded SSVEP BCIs, it has been shown that dynamically adjusting the trial duration can increase the system's information transfer rate (ITR). We therefore investigated whether a similar increase could be achieved for spatially-coded BCIs by applying dynamic stopping methods. To this end we introduced a new stopping criterion which combines the likelihood of the classification result and its stability across larger data windows. Whereas the BCI achieved an average ITR of 28.4±6.4 bits/min with fixed intervals, dynamic intervals increased the performance to 81.1±44.4 bits/min. Users were able to maintain performance up to 60 minutes of continuous operation. We suggest that the dynamic response time might have worked as a kind of temporal feedback which allowed operators to optimize their brain signals and compensate fatigue.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0267548
Publication statusPublished - 2022
PubMed 35482705