Influence of VECTOR2 Polish Fluid on Implant Surface Roughnesses


Aim and purpose: This study aimed to evaluate surface roughnessalterations of 2 implant surface structures after biofilm removingusing an ultrasonic driven cleaning devise with different tips andwith or without additional polishing fluid (PF).Materials and method: Respectively 40 titanium specimen of 2common surfaces (smooth SM, Sa = 0.2  0.02 lm; grit-blastedGB, Sa = 0.86  0.21 lm), were randomly selected into 8 groupsand cultivated with Streptococcus mutans. Then ultrasonic clean-ing was performed using 4 implant cleaning tips with or withoutPF within 1 min: ceramic (C), long (L) and short (S) carbon fibersor natural fibers (N). Average surface roughnesses Sa were assessedlaser profilometrically at 5 areas of each specimen and comparedwith the results before treatment (B). Statistical analysis was car-ried out (one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni/Dunn correction, t-test,a = 0.05).Results: The cleaning efficiency allowed the analysis. Sa of SMwas not significantly altered by the treatment regardless of PF(without PF: C 0.18  0.02 lm – L 0.21  0.03 lm; with PF: N0.25  0.06 lm – L 0.31  0.12 lm) (p > 0.05). Sa of GB withPF varied not significantly (C 0.95  0.21 lm–S 1.05  0.23 lm)compared to B (p > 0.05). Cleaning reduced Sa of GB significantlyfor C (0.65  0.08 lm) and N 0.67  0.04 lm) without PF(p < 0.05). For all tips Sa of GB differed significantly comparingwith and without PF (p < 0.01).Summary and conclusions: Implant cleaning tips proved reduction,but no alteration without PF on both surfaces. PF increased Sadepending on the surface structure. C tips without PF showedmore abrasion and smoothening, while all fiber tips with PF pro-vided surface removal and roughening. The tested ultrasonic sys-tem can be recommended for implant cleaning regarding surface alterations.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number212
Publication statusPublished - 23.09.2015
EventCongress of the World Dental Federation FDI - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 22.09.201525.09.2015