Impact of light therapy on rotating night shift workers: the EuRhythDia study

  • Stefano Rizza
  • Alessio Luzi
  • Maria Mavilio
  • Marta Ballanti
  • Arianna Massimi
  • Ottavia Porzio
  • Andrea Magrini
  • Juliane Hannemann
  • Rossella Menghini
  • Jonathan Cridland
  • Bart Staels
  • Peter J Grant
  • Rainer H Boger
  • Nikolaus Marx
  • Massimo Federici


AIMS: Disturbances in circadian rhythms may promote cardiometabolic disorders in rotating night shift workers (r-NSWs). We hypothesized that timed light therapy might reverse disrupted circadian rhythms and glucose intolerance observed among r-NSWs).

METHODS: R-NSWs were randomly assigned to a protocol that included 12 weeks on followed by 12 weeks off light therapy (n = 13; 6 men; mean age, 39.5 ± 7.3 years) or a no-treatment control group (n = 9; 3 men; mean age 41.7 ± 6.3 years). Experimental and control participants underwent identical metabolic evaluations that included anthropometric, metabolic (including oral glucose tolerance tests), lipid, and inflammation-associated parameters together with an assessment of sleep quality and expression of circadian transcription factors REV-ERBα and BMAL1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at baseline, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks of the protocol.

RESULTS: Twelve weeks of warm white-light exposure (10,000 lx at 35 cm for 30 min per day) had no impact on sleep, metabolic, or inflammation-associated parameters among r-NSWs in the experimental group. However, our findings revealed significant decreases in REV-ERBα gene expression (p = 0.048) and increases in the REV-ERBα/BMAL1 ratio (p = 0.040) compared to baseline in PBMCs isolated from this cohort. Diminished expression of REV-ERBα persisted, although the REV-ERBα/BMAL1 ratio returned to baseline levels after the subsequent 12-day wash-out period.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results revealed that intermittent light therapy had no impact on inflammatory parameters or glucose tolerance in a defined cohort of r-NSWs. However, significant changes in the expression of circadian clock genes were detected in PBMCs of these subjects undergoing light therapy.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31.08.2022

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© 2022. The Author(s).

PubMed 36044097