Health status of the advanced elderly in six European countries: results from a representative survey using EQ-5D and SF-12.

  • Hans-Helmut König
  • Dirk Heider
  • Thomas Lehnert
  • Steffi G Riedel-Heller
  • Matthias C Angermeyer
  • Herbert Matschinger
  • Gemma Vilagut
  • Ronny Bruffaerts
  • Josep M Haro
  • Giovanni de Girolamo
  • Ron de Graaf
  • Viviane Kovess
  • Jordi Alonso


Due to demographic change, the advanced elderly represent the fastest growing population group in Europe. Health problems tend to be frequent and increasing with age within this cohort.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2010
pubmed 21114833