Fuzzy-based extraction of vascular structures from time-of-flight MR images.

  • Nils Daniel Forkert
  • Dennis Säring
  • Karolin Wenzel
  • Till Illies
  • Jens Fiehler
  • Heinz Handels


In this paper an automatic fuzzy based method for the extraction of the cerebrovascular system from 3D Time-of-Flight (TOF) MRA image sequences is presented. In order to exclude non-brain tissue an automatic skull stripping method is applied in a preprocessing step. Based on the TOF images vesselness and maximum parameter images are computed first. These parameter images are then combined with the TOF sequence using a fuzzy inference. The resulting fuzzy image offers an improved enhancement of small as well as malformed vessels against the remaining brain. Finally, the fuzzy-connectedness approach is used to extract the vascular system. A first evaluation showed that the fuzzy-based method proposed performs better than a state of the art method and yields results in the range of the inter-observer variation.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2009
pubmed 19745426