Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum RadD binds Siglec-7 and inhibits NK cell-mediated cancer cell killing

  • Johanna Galaski
  • Ahmed Rishiq
  • Mingdong Liu
  • Reem Bsoul
  • Almog Bergson
  • Renate Lux
  • Gilad Bachrach (Shared last author)
  • Ofer Mandelboim (Shared last author)

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Fusobacterium nucleatum is an oral commensal bacterium that can colonize extraoral tumor entities, such as colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Recent studies revealed its ability to modulate the immune response in the tumor microenvironment (TME), promoting cancer progression and metastasis. Importantly, F. nucleatum subsp. animalis was shown to bind to Siglec-7 via lipopolysaccharides, leading to a pro-inflammatory profile in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells. In this study, we show that F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum RadD binds to Siglec-7 on NK cells, thereby inhibiting NK cell-mediated cancer cell killing. We demonstrate that this binding is dependent on arginine residue R124 in Siglec-7. Finally, we determine that this binding is independent of the known interaction of RadD with IgA. Taken together, our findings elucidate the targeting of Siglec-7 by F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum RadD as a means to modulate the NK cell response and potentially promoting immune evasion and tumor progression.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21.06.2024

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© 2024 The Authors.

PubMed 38952680