Example dataset for the hMRI toolbox

  • Martina F Callaghan
  • Antoine Lutti
  • John Ashburner
  • Evelyne Balteau
  • Nadège Corbin
  • Bogdan Draganski
  • Gunther Helms
  • Ferath Kherif
  • Tobias Leutritz
  • Siawoosh Mohammadi
  • Christophe Phillips
  • Enrico Reimer
  • Lars Ruthotto
  • Maryam Seif
  • Karsten Tabelow
  • Gabriel Ziegler
  • Nikolaus Weiskopf

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The hMRI toolbox is an open-source toolbox for the calculation of quantitative MRI parameter maps from a series of weighted imaging data, and optionally additional calibration data. The multi-parameter mapping (MPM) protocol, incorporating calibration data to correct for spatial variation in the scanner's transmit and receive fields, is the most complete protocol that can be handled by the toolbox. Here we present a dataset acquired with such a full MPM protocol, which is made freely available to be used as a tutorial by following instructions provided on the associated toolbox wiki pages, which can be found at http://hMRI.info, and following the theory described in: hMRI - A toolbox for quantitative MRI in neuroscience and clinical research [1].

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 08.2019
PubMed 31297422