Eosinophilia in returning travelers and migrants.

  • Stephan Ehrhardt
  • Gerd-Dieter Burchard

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INTRODUCTION: Eosinophilia in travelers returning from tropical countries is often caused by helminths. The high eosinophil counts arise particularly from tissue migration of invasive larvae. METHODS: Review of literature selected by means of a Medline search using the MeSH terms "eosinophilia" and "helminth." RESULTS: The patient's geographic and alimentary history may suggest infection with particular parasitic worms. A targeted diagnostic approach is suggested. The physician should concentrate on the principal signs and be guided by the geographic and alimentary history. Elaborate diagnostic measures are seldom indicated. DISCUSSION: Although eosinophilia alone has low positive predictive value for a worm infection, it points clearly to helminthosis if the patient has recently returned from the tropics and the eosinophilia is new.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number46
Publication statusPublished - 2008
pubmed 19578443