Engagement of CD83 on B cells modulates B cell function in vivo.

  • Birte Kretschmer
  • Katja Lüthje
  • Stefanie Schneider
  • Bernhard Fleischer
  • Minka Breloer

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The transmembrane glycoprotein CD83 is an important regulator of both thymic T cell maturation and peripheral T cell response. Recent studies suggested that CD83 is also involved in the regulation of B cell maturation, activation, and homeostasis. In this study, we show that in vivo overexpression of CD83 dose dependently interfered with the Ig response to thymus-dependent and thymus-independent model Ag immunization. CD83 deficiency, in contrast, which was restricted to B cells in mixed bone marrow chimeras, led to unchanged or even slightly increased Ig responses. Strikingly, the engagement of CD83 that is naturally up-regulated on wild-type B cells by injection of anti-CD83 mAb in vivo induced a 100-fold increase in the IgG1 response to immunization. Kinetic analysis revealed that CD83 had to be engaged simultaneously or shortly after the B cell activation through injection of Ag, to modulate the IgG1 secretion. Furthermore, using mixed bone marrow chimeras in which either selectively the B cells or the dendritic cells were CD83 deficient, we demonstrate that anti-CD83 mAb mediated its biologic effect by engaging CD83 on B cells and not on CD11c(+) dendritic cells. Taken together, we provide strong evidence that CD83 transduces regulatory signals into the very B cell on which it is expressed.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number5
Publication statusPublished - 2009
pubmed 19234177