Einstellungen gegenüber der COVID-19-Impfung im Vergleich zur Grippeschutzimpfung bei Krankenhauspersonal


This cross-sectional study compared hospital staff who had received influenza or COVID-19 vaccination or who had refused COVID-19 vaccination in terms of attitudes towards each vaccination, uptake of influenza vaccination and reasons for refusing COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 vaccine refusers rated the risk of infection for themselves and in general and the effectiveness of the vaccination lowest and the vaccination risk highest compared to the other two groups. They also reported the lowest past uptake of influenza vaccination. Perceived pressure to vaccinate proved to be a relevant barrier. Future vaccination campaigns should maintain a balance between information on vaccines, the need for vaccination, and voluntary uptake.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionAttitudes Towards COVID-19 Vaccination Compared to Influenza Vaccination Among Hospital Staff
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 08.2022