Effectiveness and safety of tocilizumab in patients with systemic sclerosis: a propensity score matched controlled observational study of the EUSTAR cohort

  • Simon Kuster
  • Suzana Jordan
  • Muriel Elhai
  • Ulrike Held
  • Klaus Steigmiller
  • Cosimo Bruni
  • Fabio Cacciapaglia
  • Serena Vettori
  • Elise Siegert
  • Simona Rednic
  • Veronica Codullo
  • Paolo Airo
  • Yolanda Braun-Moscovici
  • Nicolas Hunzelmann
  • Maria Joao Salvador
  • Valeria Riccieri
  • Ana-Maria Gheorghiu
  • Juan José Alegre Sancho
  • Katarzyna Romanowska-Prochnicka
  • Ivan Castellví
  • Ina Kötter
  • Marie-Elise Truchetet
  • F J López-Longo
  • Pavel I Novikov
  • Alessandro Giollo
  • Yuichiro Shirai
  • Laura Belloli
  • Elisabetta Zanatta
  • Eric Hachulla
  • Vanessa Smith
  • Chris Denton
  • Ruxandra M Ionescu
  • Tim Schmeiser
  • Joerg H W Distler
  • Armando Gabrielli
  • Anna-Maria Hoffmann-Vold
  • Masataka Kuwana
  • Yannick Allanore
  • Oliver Distler
  • EUSTAR Collaborators

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OBJECTIVES: Tocilizumab showed trends for improving skin fibrosis and prevented progression of lung fibrosis in systemic sclerosis (SSc) in randomised controlled clinical trials. We aimed to assess safety and effectiveness of tocilizumab in a real-life setting using the European Scleroderma Trial and Research (EUSTAR) database.

METHODS: Patients with SSc fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/EULAR 2013 classification criteria, with baseline and follow-up visits at 12±3 months, receiving tocilizumab or standard of care as the control group, were selected. Propensity score matching was applied. Primary endpoints were the modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) and FVC at 12±3 months compared between the groups. Secondary endpoints were the percentage of progressive/regressive patients for skin and lung at 12±3 months.

RESULTS: Ninety-three patients with SSc treated with tocilizumab and 3180 patients with SSc with standard of care fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Comparison between groups did not show significant differences, but favoured tocilizumab across all predefined primary and secondary endpoints: mRSS was lower in the tocilizumab group (difference -1.0, 95% CI -3.7 to 1.8, p=0.48). Similarly, FVC % predicted was higher in the tocilizumab group (difference 1.5 (-6.1 to 9.1), p=0.70). The percentage of progressive/regressive patients favoured tocilizumab over controls. These results were robust regarding the sensitivity analyses. Safety analysis confirmed previously reported adverse event profiles.

CONCLUSION: Although this large, observational, controlled, real-life EUSTAR study did not show significant effectiveness of tocilizumab on skin and lung fibrosis, the consistency of direction of all predefined endpoints generates hypothesis for potential effectiveness in a broader SSc population.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere002477
Publication statusPublished - 11.2022

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PubMed 36328401