Early-life mental disorders and adult household income in the World Mental Health Surveys.

  • Norito Kawakami
  • Emad Abdulrazaq Abdulghani
  • Jordi Alonso
  • Evelyn J Bromet
  • Ronny Bruffaerts
  • José Miguel Caldas-de-Almeida
  • Wai Tat Chiu
  • Giovanni de Girolamo
  • Ron de Graaf
  • John Fayyad
  • Finola Ferry
  • Silvia Florescu
  • Oye Gureje
  • Chiyi Hu
  • Matthew D Lakoma
  • William Leblanc
  • Sing Lee
  • Daphna Levinson
  • Savita Malhotra
  • Herbert Matschinger
  • Maria Elena Medina-Mora
  • Yosikazu Nakamura
  • Oakley Browne
  • A Mark
  • Michail Okoliyski
  • Jose Posada-Villa
  • Nancy A Sampson
  • Maria Carmen Viana
  • Ronald C Kessler


Better information on the human capital costs of early-onset mental disorders could increase sensitivity of policy makers to the value of expanding initiatives for early detection and treatment. Data are presented on one important aspect of these costs: the associations of early-onset mental disorders with adult household income.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012
pubmed 22521149