Durable memories and efficient neural coding through mnemonic training using the method of loci

  • I C Wagner
  • B N Konrad
  • P Schuster
  • S Weisig
  • D Repantis
  • K Ohla
  • S Kühn
  • G Fernández
  • A Steiger
  • C Lamm
  • M Czisch
  • M Dresler


Mnemonic techniques, such as the method of loci, can powerfully boost memory. We compared memory athletes ranked among the world's top 50 in memory sports to mnemonics-naïve controls. In a second study, participants completed a 6-week memory training, working memory training, or no intervention. Behaviorally, memory training enhanced durable, longer-lasting memories. Functional magnetic resonance imaging during encoding and recognition revealed task-based activation decreases in lateral prefrontal, as well as in parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortices in both memory athletes and participants after memory training, partly associated with better performance after 4 months. This was complemented by hippocampal-neocortical coupling during consolidation, which was stronger the more durable memories participants formed. Our findings advance knowledge on how mnemonic training boosts durable memory formation through decreased task-based activation and increased consolidation thereafter. This is in line with conceptual accounts of neural efficiency and highlights a complex interplay of neural processes critical for extraordinary memory.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereabc7606
Publication statusPublished - 03.2021

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PubMed 33658191