Dietary and metabolic modulators of hepatic immunity

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The liver is the central metabolic organ of the organism and is thus constantly exposed to gut-derived dietary and microbial antigens. The liver maintains homoeostatic tolerance to these mostly harmless antigens. However, the liver also functions as a barrier organ to harmful pathogens and is thus permissive to liver inflammation. The regulation of the delicate balance between liver tolerance and liver inflammation is of vital importance for the organism. In recent years, a general role for dietary components and metabolites as immune mediators has been emerging. However, although the liver is exposed to a great deal of metabolic mediators, surprisingly, little is known about their actual role in the regulation of hepatic immune responses. Here, we will explore the possible impacts of metabolic mediators for homoeostatic and pathological immunity in the liver, by highlighting selected examples of metabolic immune regulation in the liver.

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15.02.2018