Die Schädelbasischirurgie im deutschen DRG-System – Neue Zuordnung wichtiger Prozeduren

  • F Sommer
  • T K Hoffmann
  • M Jäckel
  • R Gerlach
  • K Schwager
  • T Deitmer
  • C S Betz

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Surgery of the skull base includes interventions between the nose or paranasal sinuses (anterior skull base) or ear/temporal bone (lateral skull base) and the intracranial space. As interventions at the anterior skull base almost exclusively involve complex pathologies in a demanding anatomical region, in many cases two experienced surgeons from different disciplines are required who should be experienced in operating together. The technical and time requirements are also considerable in many cases; however, for many procedures there are no specific skull base operational and procedural keys (OPS) codes that take the considerable personnel and structural effort into account. A change in the diagnosis-related groups (DRG) system, implemented since the beginning of 2023, now adjusts the remuneration of the abovementioned effort for malignant pathologies of the anterior and lateral skull base. The reallocation of procedures 5‑015.0/1/3/4 and 5‑016.0/2/4/6 results in a significant upgrade of anterior and lateral skull base surgery. Since the beginning of 2023 skull base surgery will no longer be charged under DRG D25C with a (former) relative weight of 1.893, but with DRG D25B with a current relative weight of 3.753 when a code of the aforementioned groups is used. Nevertheless, further adjustments are necessary, for example, in the available reconstructive steps in order to provide the Institute for the Remuneration System in Hospitals (InEK) with the most differentiated data possible on the procedural effort of the intervention and to achieve a more balanced distribution of the reimbursements of skull base surgery in the long term.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionSkull base surgery in the German DRG system-New categorization of important procedures
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 12.2023

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© 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature.

PubMed 37863859