Die Abstandsmessung der Weisheitszähne zur Okklusionsebene als forensischodontologisches Hilfsmittel zur Bestimmung des chronologischen Alters


As part of an epidemiological study on tooth eruption it was attempted to define easily accessible criteria for age estimation in living human beings based on the distance of the wisdom teeth from the occlusal plane. 253 cast models of 149 female and 104 male patients were used for evaluation. Due to the great variability observed in the eruption of the wisdom teeth, only a small fraction of the total number of 10,924 cast models was suitable for investigation. Only teeth with the axis being perpendicular to the plane of occlusion during eruption according to radiological and clinical findings were included. After defining these inclusion criteria, the distance of the wisdom teeth from the plane of occlusion was determined and correlated to the age of the subjects. The results confirmed the known large variability concerning wisdom tooth eruption and did not show any reliable relation between age and distance values. Nevertheless, a remarkable finding that may be relevant for forensic odontostomatology was seen in one case where the lower wisdom teeth were taller than the occlusal plane, although the female patient was younger than 14 years. The upper molars were retained and root development was incomplete.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionMeasuring the distance of the wisdom teeth from the occlusal plane as forensic-odontological method for chronological age determination
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2005
PubMed 15887780