Die Abgrenzung der Fremdtötung von der eigenverantwortlichen Selbsttötung: Doppelsuizid, erweiterter Suizid oder Homizid-Suizid?

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There are many publications and case histories, which describe non-natural deaths related to time, place, partnership and/or family, irrespective of the manner of two or more persons. We wanted to analyze cases in more detail, in which at least one case suggests a freely responsible suicide conclusion. In the literature they are described as extended suicides or more recently as homicide suicides. These theory-specific terms are justifiably criticized not least because the motives, exact circumstances and background of the crime often remain unknown. Therefore, the question of the general and concrete suitability of such terms arises, with the consideration of a new superordinate term to be defined. The complexity of these terms is illustrated in the following by the joint death of an older couple.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2021