Desmoid-type infantile fibromatosis of the mandible: case report with long-term follow-up.


A 6-year-old girl was referred to Eppendorf University Hospital because of a suspected malignant mandibular tumour. An osteolytic lesion was depicted on panoramic radiograph in the premolar region. The tumour was resected with covering skin and the defect was closed by primary intention. Histological investigation revealed fibromatosis. No local recurrence of infantile fibromatosis occurred during seven years of follow-up. The differential diagnosis of fibro-osseous lesion of the facial region is challenging. Especially in children, caution should be exercised in the treatment of benign lesions that resemble malignant conditions derived from connective tissue, with special reference to long-term follow-up.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number6
Publication statusPublished - 2010