Clinical evolution, genetic landscape and trajectories of clonal hematopoiesis in SAMD9/SAMD9L syndromes

  • Sushree S Sahoo
  • Victor B Pastor
  • Charnise Goodings
  • Rebecca K Voss
  • Emilia J Kozyra
  • Amina Szvetnik
  • Peter Noellke
  • Michael Dworzak
  • Jan Starý
  • Franco Locatelli
  • Riccardo Masetti
  • Markus Schmugge
  • Barbara De Moerloose
  • Albert Catala
  • Krisztián Kállay
  • Dominik Turkiewicz
  • Henrik Hasle
  • Jochen Buechner
  • Kirsi Jahnukainen
  • Marek Ussowicz
  • Sophia Polychronopoulou
  • Owen P Smith
  • Oksana Fabri
  • Shlomit Barzilai
  • Valerie de Haas
  • Irith Baumann
  • Stephan Schwarz-Furlan
  • Marena R Niewisch
  • Martin G Sauer
  • Birgit Burkhardt
  • Peter Lang
  • Peter Bader
  • Rita Beier
  • Ingo Müller
  • Michael H Albert
  • Roland Meisel
  • Ansgar Schulz
  • Gunnar Cario
  • Pritam K Panda
  • Julius Wehrle
  • Shinsuke Hirabayashi
  • Marta Derecka
  • Robert Durruthy-Durruthy
  • Gudrun Göhring
  • Ayami Yoshimi-Noellke
  • Manching Ku
  • Dirk Lebrecht
  • Miriam Erlacher
  • Christian Flotho
  • Brigitte Strahm
  • Charlotte M Niemeyer
  • Marcin W Wlodarski
  • European Working Group of MDS in Children (EWOG-MDS)


Germline SAMD9 and SAMD9L mutations (SAMD9/9Lmut) predispose to myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with propensity for somatic rescue. In this study, we investigated a clinically annotated pediatric MDS cohort (n = 669) to define the prevalence, genetic landscape, phenotype, therapy outcome and clonal architecture of SAMD9/9L syndromes. In consecutively diagnosed MDS, germline SAMD9/9Lmut accounted for 8% and were mutually exclusive with GATA2 mutations present in 7% of the cohort. Among SAMD9/9Lmut cases, refractory cytopenia was the most prevalent MDS subtype (90%); acquired monosomy 7 was present in 38%; constitutional abnormalities were noted in 57%; and immune dysfunction was present in 28%. The clinical outcome was independent of germline mutations. In total, 67 patients had 58 distinct germline SAMD9/9Lmut clustering to protein middle regions. Despite inconclusive in silico prediction, 94% of SAMD9/9Lmut suppressed HEK293 cell growth, and mutations expressed in CD34+ cells induced overt cell death. Furthermore, we found that 61% of SAMD9/9Lmut patients underwent somatic genetic rescue (SGR) resulting in clonal hematopoiesis, of which 95% was maladaptive (monosomy 7 ± cancer mutations), and 51% had adaptive nature (revertant UPD7q, somatic SAMD9/9Lmut). Finally, bone marrow single-cell DNA sequencing revealed multiple competing SGR events in individual patients. Our findings demonstrate that SGR is common in SAMD9/9Lmut MDS and exemplify the exceptional plasticity of hematopoiesis in children.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10.2021

Comment Deanary

© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc.

PubMed 34621053