Burdens of non-conformity: Motor execution reveals cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations

  • Roland Pfister
  • Robert Wirth
  • Katharina A Schwarz
  • Marco Steinhauser
  • Wilfried Kunde

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Rule compliance is pivotal for the regulation of social behavior. Still, humans deliberately violate rules at times - be it for personal reasons or for a higher good. Whereas previous research has studied the preconditions and consequences of rule violations, essentially nothing is known about the cognitive processes right at the moment a rule violation takes place. Here we show that merely labeling an action as rule violation induces substantial conflict between rule violation and compliance, as revealed by participants' bias towards rule-complying motor actions. Moreover, conflict that comes with violating a rule was much stronger than conflict that comes with following an alternative rule, even if both decisions result in the same observable behavior. These observations open a new theoretical perspective on rule violation behavior, shifting the focus toward the cognitive processes operating during the very act of rule violation.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 02.2016
PubMed 26638051