Bromine-containing alkaloids from the marine sponge Penares sp.

  • Ekaterina G. Lyakhova
  • Sophia A. Kolesnikova
  • Anatoly I. Kalinovsky
  • Shamil Sh Afiyatullov
  • Sergey A. Dyshlovoy
  • Vladimir B. Krasokhin
  • Chau V. Minh
  • Valentin A. Stonik

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Two new unusual alkaloids were isolated from the sponge Penares sp., collected from Viet Nam waters (the South China Sea). The structures of these compounds were established by analysis of 1D, 2D NMR ( 1H- 1H COSY, DEPT, HSQC, HMBC, H2BC, and NOE), and MS data. Compound 1 shows moderate cytotoxicity against the human tumor cells HL-60 and HeLa.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 07.11.2012

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Funding Information:
We are grateful to Dr. P. S. Dmitrenok for the determination of mass spectra. The research described in this publication was supported by Grant NSS 546.2012.4 from the President of the Russian Federation, Grant 12-04-93009-Viet from RFBR and the Program of Presidium of RAS «Molecular and Cell Biology».

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