Bowel wall hemorrhage after death by hanging.

  • Friedrich Schulz
  • Hansjörg Schäfer
  • Klaus Püschel
  • Michael Tsokos
  • Bernd Brinkmann
  • Claas T Buschmann


We describe and discuss autopsy findings of bowel wall hemorrhage in a study population comprising cases of suicidal death by hanging. Intramural hemorrhages were seen in approximately 12% of the cases examined; no preexisting bowel diseases were found. In hanging deaths with a longer agonal phase, we opine that abdominal congestion during the hanging process provides a viable pathophysiological explanation for bowel wall hemorrhage. Though we are not dealing here with obligatory autopsy findings, the detection of bowel wall hemorrhage might be used as another sign of vital hanging after considering differential diagnostic aspects.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number3
Publication statusPublished - 2011
pubmed 21221984