[Atypical injury pattern of a pedestrian run over by an unimog in the epigastric region]

  • Saskia Sabrina Guddat
  • Peter Müller-Rakow
  • Peter Wiedmann
  • Klaus Püschel
  • Michael Tsokos

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Strongly intoxicated, a 37-year-old man fell in front of the right back wheel of an emergency vehicle (MB Unimog) and was run over according to eye witnesses. He died in hospital shortly afterwards. The autopsy revealed that he bled to death from a traumatic liver rupture (bursting of the right hepatic lobe and severing of a piece of tissue measuring 17 x 8 x 4 cm). There were no injuries classicaly seen in victims run over by a car. The atypical injury findings in this case are due to the special features of the accident vehicle: The Unimog (an all-wheel vehicle with a fixed rear axle and flat coils) struck the right side of the body lying on the street with its rear wheel and was then lifted over the body by its fixed axle without touching the left side.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2007
pubmed 17380942