Association of Genetic Variants Affecting microRNAs and Pancreatic Cancer Risk

  • Ye Lu (Shared first author)
  • Chiara Corradi (Shared first author)
  • Manuel Gentiluomo
  • Evangelina López de Maturana
  • George E Theodoropoulos
  • Susanne Roth
  • Evaristo Maiello
  • Luca Morelli
  • Livia Archibugi
  • Jakob R Izbicki
  • Patricia Sarlós
  • Vytautas Kiudelis
  • Martin Oliverius
  • Mateus Nóbrega Aoki
  • Yogesh Vashist
  • Casper H J van Eijck
  • Maria Gazouli
  • Renata Talar-Wojnarowska
  • Andrea Mambrini
  • Raffaele Pezzilli
  • Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita
  • Péter Hegyi
  • Pavel Souček
  • John P Neoptolemos
  • Gregorio Di Franco
  • Cosimo Sperti
  • Emanuele F Kauffmann
  • Viktor Hlaváč
  • Faik G Uzunoğlu
  • Stefano Ermini
  • Ewa Małecka-Panas
  • Maurizio Lucchesi
  • Giuseppe Vanella
  • Frederike Dijk
  • Beatrice Mohelníková-Duchoňová
  • Franco Bambi
  • Maria Chiara Petrone
  • Krzysztof Jamroziak
  • Feng Guo
  • Katerina Kolarova
  • Giovanni Capretti
  • Anna Caterina Milanetto
  • Laura Ginocchi
  • Martin Loveček
  • Marta Puzzono
  • Hanneke W M van Laarhoven
  • Silvia Carrara
  • Audrius Ivanauskas
  • Konstantinos Papiris
  • Daniela Basso
  • Paolo G Arcidiacono
  • Ferenc Izbéki
  • Roger Chammas
  • Pavel Vodicka
  • Thilo Hackert
  • Claudio Pasquali
  • Maria L Piredda
  • Eithne Costello-Goldring
  • Giulia Martina Cavestro
  • Andrea Szentesi
  • Francesca Tavano
  • Barbara Włodarczyk
  • Hermann Brenner
  • Edita Kreivenaite
  • Xin Gao
  • Stefania Bunduc
  • Roel C H Vermeulen
  • Martin A Schneider
  • Anna Latiano
  • Domenica Gioffreda
  • Sabrina G G Testoni
  • Juozas Kupcinskas
  • Rita T Lawlor
  • Gabriele Capurso
  • Núria Malats
  • Daniele Campa (Shared last author)
  • Federico Canzian (Shared last author)


Genetic factors play an important role in the susceptibility to pancreatic cancer (PC). However, established loci explain a small proportion of genetic heritability for PC; therefore, more progress is needed to find the missing ones. We aimed at identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affecting PC risk through effects on micro-RNA (miRNA) function. We searched in silico the genome for SNPs in miRNA seed sequences or 3 prime untranslated regions (3'UTRs) of miRNA target genes. Genome-wide association data of PC cases and controls from the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort (PanScan) Consortium and the Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control (PanC4) Consortium were re-analyzed for discovery, and genotyping data from two additional consortia (PanGenEU and PANDoRA) were used for replication, for a total of 14,062 cases and 11,261 controls. None of the SNPs reached genome-wide significance in the meta-analysis, but for three of them the associations were in the same direction in all the study populations and showed lower value of p in the meta-analyses than in the discovery phase. Specifically, rs7985480 was consistently associated with PC risk (OR = 1.12, 95% CI 1.07-1.17, p = 3.03 × 10-6 in the meta-analysis). This SNP is in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs2274048, which modulates binding of various miRNAs to the 3'UTR of UCHL3, a gene involved in PC progression. In conclusion, our results expand the knowledge of the genetic PC risk through miRNA-related SNPs and show the usefulness of functional prioritization to identify genetic polymorphisms associated with PC risk.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Comment Deanary

Copyright © 2021 Lu, Corradi, Gentiluomo, López de Maturana, Theodoropoulos, Roth, Maiello, Morelli, Archibugi, Izbicki, Sarlós, Kiudelis, Oliverius, Aoki, Vashist, van Eijck, Gazouli, Talar-Wojnarowska, Mambrini, Pezzilli, Bueno-de-Mesquita, Hegyi, Souček, Neoptolemos, Di Franco, Sperti, Kauffmann, Hlaváč, Uzunoğlu, Ermini, Małecka-Panas, Lucchesi, Vanella, Dijk, Mohelníková-Duchoňová, Bambi, Petrone, Jamroziak, Guo, Kolarova, Capretti, Milanetto, Ginocchi, Loveček, Puzzono, van Laarhoven, Carrara, Ivanauskas, Papiris, Basso, Arcidiacono, Izbéki, Chammas, Vodicka, Hackert, Pasquali, Piredda, Costello-Goldring, Cavestro, Szentesi, Tavano, Włodarczyk, Brenner, Kreivenaite, Gao, Bunduc, Vermeulen, Schneider, Latiano, Gioffreda, Testoni, Kupcinskas, Lawlor, Capurso, Malats, Campa and Canzian.

PubMed 34527018