[Artificial sight: recent developments]

  • Oliver Zeitz
  • Matthias Keserü
  • R Hornig
  • Gisbert Richard

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The implantation of electronic retina stimulators appears to be a future possibility to restore vision, at least partially in patients with retinal degeneration. The idea of such visual prostheses is not new but due to the general technical progress it has become more likely that a functioning implant will be on the market soon. Visual prosthesis may be integrated in the visual system in various places. Thus there are subretinal and epiretinal implants, as well as implants that are connected directly to the optic nerve or the visual cortex. The epiretinal approach is the most promising at the moment, but the problem of appropriate modulation of the image information is unsolved so far. This will be necessary to provide a interpretable visual information to the brain. The present article summarises the concepts and includes some latest information from recent conferences.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009
pubmed 19294584