Anti-vaccinationists International, Public Movements and Socio-Political Conflicts


We present an overview of literature that relates to historical and modern anti-vaccination movements and associated socio-political conflicts. We show that the anti-vaccine movement against coronavirus disease is not unique, but that opposition to vaccination has existed as long as vaccination itself. We further detail critics of vaccination that has taken various position in different social groups, and address the roots and causes of the opposition from a global perspective. In the course of the work, it becomes clear that vaccination reservations are as varied as the people they serve and that the emotions and deep-rooted beliefs that underlie vaccine opposition have remained relatively consistent since the 18th century. Finally, we highlight the role of governments against opposition and propose micro-level (e.g., individual, health care providers) and macro-level (health care system, national) interventions. We conclude that despite all the social-political challenges, the role of government in vaccine management and promoting confidence in efficacy and safety through effective public health communication is critical.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Covid-19 pandisziplinär und international : Gesundheitswissenschaftliche, gesellschaftspolitische und philosophische Hintergründe
EditorsAlexander Kraemer, Michael Medzech
REQUIRED books only: Number of pages29
Place of PublicationWiesbaden
PublisherSpringer VS Wiesbaden
Publication date04.10.2023
Pages 229-257
ISBN (Print)978-3-658-40524-3
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-658-40525-0
Publication statusPublished - 04.10.2023