[Anticoagulation after renal transplantation: a multicenter survey on clinical practice]

  • T Ripert
  • J Menard
  • Y Schoepen
  • P N'guyen
  • P Rieu
  • Burkhard Brandt
  • F Staerman

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OBJECTIVES: Graft thrombosis is a major complication of transplantation. However, there are no recommendation on immediate postoperative thromboprophylaxis after kidney transplantation. We recorded clinical practices in France. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 29 transplantation centres, four case studies were submitted to the medical kidney transplantation referent (compatible graft from cadaveric donor, without perioperative complication). N(o) 1: Man, 27-years-old, IgA glomerulonephritis, without history of hypercoagulability or cardiovascular risk factor. Hemodialysis since 12months. N(o) 2: Man, 53-years-old, with history of deep venous thrombosis after cholecystectomy 15years before. Membranous nephropathy. Hemodialysis since 10months. N(o) 3: Man, 58-years-old, with history of myocardial infarction. On aspirin therapy. Nephroangiosclerosis and diabetic nephropathy. Peritoneal dialysis since 6months. N(o) 4: Woman, 63-years-old. Atrial fibrillation on vitamin K antagonists therapy. Lupus nephritis without antiphospholipid syndrome. Hemodialysis since 12months. RESULTS: N(o) 1: No anticoagulation therapy (62%), calcium heparin at prophylactic doses (34.5%). N(o) 2: No anticoagulation therapy (38%), calcium heparin at prophylactic doses (44.8%). N(o) 3: 62% interrupted aspirin of whom 22% without any immediate anticoagulation and 55% replaced aspirin with calcium heparin at prophylactic doses. Thirty-eight percent carried on with aspirin of whom 63.6% without other prophylaxis and 27.3% in association with calcium heparin at prophylactic doses. N(o) 4: Unfractionned heparin at curative dose (62%), unfractionned heparin at prophylactic doses (17.2%), calcium heparin at prophylactic doses (13.8%). CONCLUSION: Postoperative anticoagulation after renal transplantation is established as a local dogma rather than evidence-based medicine. Guideline recommendations and standardized protocols for the use of anticoagulation after kidney transplantation should be developed.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009
pubmed 19268256