Analysis of TAP2 and HLA-DP gene polymorphism in psoriasis.

  • J W Fakler
  • M Schmitt-Egenolf
  • S Vejbaesya
  • W H Boehncke
  • W Sterry
  • Thomas Eiermann

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TAP2 is a gene, located between HLA-DP and HLA-DQ, whose products form a transporter molecule involved in endogenous antigen processing. Polymorphic residues have been described in this gene. TAP2 is of particular interest because its involvement in antigen presentation makes it a candidate for a disease susceptibility gene. In psoriasis, two clinical subtypes analogous to the situation in diabetes type I with early onset and family history and type II with later onset and without family history have been described. We have previously shown that type I but not type II psoriasis is associated with the HLA-DRB1*0701/2, -DQA1*0201, -DQB1*0303 haplotype. To investigate whether this haplotype extends to include particular TAP2 and/or DP alleles, we tested the TAP2 and HLA-DP alleles of a control group (n = 199), patients with psoriasis type I (n = 66), and patients with psoriasis type II (n = 35) by hybridization with SSOs. Our data show that there is no significant correlation between TAP2 and/or HLA-DP gene polymorphism and psoriasis type I and/or type II. We conclude that disease association in type I psoriasis is associated with the extended haplotype HLA-B57, -Cw6, -DRB1*0701/2, -DQA1*0201, -DQB1*0303.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number4
Publication statusPublished - 1994
pubmed 8002377