Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum Einsatz von medizinischem Cannabis in Deutschland


On February 19, 2017, the German Bundestag finally passed the law amending narcotics law and other provisions; it came into force on
March 10, 2017. This means that cannabis medicinal products can be used as an alternative therapy if, according to the attending physician,
a noticeable positive effect on the course of the disease or on serious symptoms can be expected (e. g. pain therapy, certain chronic diseases,
severe loss of appetite and nausea). With changes in SGB V (Social Code), the reimbursement of drugs based on cannabis in the statutory
health insurance has been expanded, which was previously limited to approved finished drugs in the respective approved area of application.
In the future, state-monitored cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes takes place in Germany. The associated tasks were assigned to
the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) (state “cannabis agency”).
More than four years after it came into force, there are still serious shortcomings in the implementation of the law in practice. The results of the
“cannabis as medicine law” are mixed. Although the legal basis has created a regulated framework, in practice the efforts of patients and their
doctors for therapy with cannabis drugs are often unsuccessful. Despite all the problems, the effects of the law are clearly evident. The number of
cannabis patients continues to increase strongly (currently estimated
80 000), suggesting that there should be a significantly higher potential for people in Germany, which could be helped with cannabis as
medicine to a better quality of life. The driving force for growth is the
commitment of many individuals, while the structural integration of
treatment with cannabinoids as part of standard care is just as long
in coming as the responsible institutions.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionCurrent developments on the use of medical cannabis in Germany
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2022