Age-dependent effect of plasma nitric oxide on parasite density in Ghanaian children with severe malaria.

  • Jakob Cramer
  • Andreas K Nüssler
  • Stephan Ehrhardt
  • Jana Burkhardt
  • Rowland N Otchwemah
  • Philipp Zanger
  • Ekkehart Dietz
  • Sabine Gellert
  • Ulrich Bienzle
  • Frank P Mockenhaupt

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Nitric oxide (NO) has toxic properties against Plasmodium falciparum. While high blood levels have been associated with protection against severe malarial disease, they may also contribute to the pathophysiology of cerebral malaria and severe anaemia. Promoter variants in the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene have been shown to influence NO concentrations and disease manifestation. However, findings are conflicting. We examined associations of plasma NO metabolites (NOx) with symptoms of severe malaria, particularly malarial anaemia and cerebral malaria, and with iNOS promoter variants. In 210 Ghanaian children with severe malaria, we measured plasma nitrite, nitrate, and S-nitrosothiol, and genotyped the iNOS promoter variants -954G-->C, -1173C-->T, and the -2.5 kb (CCTTT)(n) microsatellite. NOx levels decreased with age. In young children (T/(CCTTT)(8) haplotype (P = 0.03). No association between NOx or iNOS genotypes and cerebral malaria was observed. Our findings suggest that in young children with severe malaria NOx reduces parasitaemia. This effect wanes at higher ages and may reflect a predominance of unspecific immune responses to infection in early childhood. This finding may have importance for the understanding of associations between iNOS variants and severe malaria in regions of differing disease manifestation.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number7
Publication statusPublished - 2005
pubmed 15960706