Accuracy of wavefront aberrometry in cataract patients.


  • Jan Hülle
  • Stephan Linke

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Wavefront aberrometry (WA) offers promising applications
in ophthalmology and can provide valuable information
in previously under-researched conditions. Previous
studies have demonstrated a high level of accuracy of
WA in assessing patients presenting for cataract surgery,
however, these patient groups have been primarily young,
myopic and well-sighted, which may not be representative
of clinical practice. Drs Hülle and Linke discuss results of a
recent study evaluating the accuracy of WA in comparison
to manifest refraction in an older population awaiting
cataract surgery.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionGenauigkeit der Wellenfrontabberometrie bei Katarakt
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 05.2013