Civil Society Involvement in Drug Policy

Project: Research

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This project aims at enhancing meaningful civil society involvement (CSI) in the development and implementation of drug policies on national and European levels. The project contributes to the European Drug Strategy and Action Plans and the work of civil society in that regard. It will ameliorate processes and results of genuine and meaningful civil society involvement. It will increase the quality, social support and final impact of the strategy and action plans to develop health- and rights-based drug policies. With a structural and formalised CSI, national policies will be better equipped to contribute to a measurable reduction of drug-related health and social risks and harms. Structural and formalised CSI also contributes to a better dissemination of monitoring, research and evaluation results and a better understanding of all aspects of the drugs phenomenon and of the impact of interventions in order to provide sound and comprehensive evidence-base for policies.
Effective start/end date01.11.1630.11.18