Univ. Prof. Dr. ID: 62681
Hartmut Schlüter
Research projects
A4B: Analytics for Biologics - EU graduate school: Innovative training network (ITN) Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action
01.10.17 → 31.03.22
Project: Research
FoodProfiling: Analytische Werkzeuge zur experimentellen Überprüfung der Herkunft und Identität von Lebensmitteln
01.10.16 → 30.06.21
Project: Research
Comprehensive Analysis of Biopharmaceuticals: Characterization of a commercially available Etanercept
01.11.15 → 31.07.16
Project: Research
Entwicklung effizienter Methoden zum Nachweis und zur Abreicherung von Host-Cell Proteinen von therapeutischen Antikörpern
01.04.09 → 30.09.13
Project: Research
Glycoproteomic Analysis of Cancer Tissues with Picosecond Infrared Laser Extraction Method (Stipendium China Scholarship Council)
01.10.16 → 30.09.19
Project: Research
MetBioMat: In vivo studies of biodegradable magnesium based implant materials
01.08.12 → 28.02.18
Project: Research
Pathophysiology of disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow prostate carcinoma patients under hypoxia
01.11.11 → 31.12.14
Project: Research
SUREPIRL: Picosecond Infrared Laser for Scarfree Surgery with Preservation of the Tissue Structure and Recognition of Tissue Type and Boundaries
Schlüter, H., Knecht, R., Schumacher, U. & Münscher, A.
01.12.12 → 31.12.18
Project: Research
Towards a prototype mass spectrometer for delivery of biological samples at X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
01.10.13 → 30.06.16
Project: Research
Tumor targeting via cell surface molecules essential in cancer progression and dissemination
01.01.12 → 31.12.14
Project: Research