Young people at risk for developing bipolar disorder: Two-year findings from the multicenter prospective, naturalistic Early-BipoLife study

  • Julia Martini (Geteilte/r Erstautor/in)
  • Kyra Luisa Bröckel (Geteilte/r Erstautor/in)
  • Karolina Leopold
  • Christina Berndt
  • Cathrin Sauer
  • Birgit Maicher
  • Georg Juckel
  • Seza Krüger-Özgürdal
  • Andreas J Fallgatter
  • Martin Lambert
  • Andreas Bechdolf
  • Andreas Reif
  • Silke Matura
  • Silvia Biere
  • Sarah Kittel-Schneider
  • Thomas Stamm
  • Felix Bermpohl
  • Tilo Kircher
  • Irina Falkenberg
  • Andreas Jansen
  • Udo Dannlowski
  • Christoph U Correll
  • Paolo Fusar-Poli
  • Lisa Marie Hempel
  • Pavol Mikolas
  • Philipp Ritter
  • Michael Bauer
  • Andrea Pfennig


Early identification and intervention of individuals with an increased risk for bipolar disorder (BD) may improve the course of illness and prevent long‑term consequences. Early-BipoLife, a multicenter, prospective, naturalistic study, examined risk factors of BD beyond family history in participants aged 15-35 years. At baseline, positively screened help-seeking participants (screenBD at-risk) were recruited at Early Detection Centers and in- and outpatient depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) settings, references (Ref) drawn from a representative cohort. Participants reported sociodemographics and medical history and were repeatedly examined regarding psychopathology and the course of risk factors. N = 1,083 screenBD at-risk and n = 172 Ref were eligible for baseline assessment. Within the first two years, n = 31 screenBD at-risk (2.9 %) and none of Ref developed a manifest BD. The cumulative transition risk was 0.0028 at the end of multistep assessment, 0.0169 at 12 and 0.0317 at 24 months (p = 0.021). The transition rate with a BD family history was 6.0 %, 4.7 % in the Early Phase Inventory for bipolar disorders (EPIbipolar), 6.6 % in the Bipolar Prodrome Interview and Symptom Scale-Prospective (BPSS-FP) and 3.2 % with extended Bipolar At-Risk - BARS criteria). In comparison to help-seeking young patients from psychosis detection services, transition rates in screenBD at-risk participants were lower. The findings of Early-BipoLife underscore the importance of considering risk factors beyond family history in order to improved early detection and interventions to prevent/ameliorate related impairment in the course of BD. Large long-term cohort studies are crucial to understand the developmental pathways and long-term course of BD, especially in people at- risk.

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StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.2024

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Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PubMed 37913697