Yersinia protein kinase YopO is activated by a novel G-actin binding process.

  • Claudia Trasak
  • Gerhardt Zenner
  • Annette Vogel
  • Gülnihal Yüksekdag
  • René Rost
  • Ilka Haase
  • Markus Fischer
  • Lars Israel
  • Axel Imhof
  • Stefan Linder
  • Michael Schleicher
  • Martin Aepfelbacher


Pathogenic bacteria of the genus Yersinia employ a type III secretion system to inject effector proteins (Yops) into host cells. The Yops down-regulate host cell functions through unique biochemical activities. YopO, a serine/threonine kinase required for Yersinia virulence, is activated by host cell actin via an unknown process. Here we show that YopO kinase is activated by formation of a 1:1 complex with monomeric (G) actin but is unresponsive to filamentous (F) actin. Two separate G-actin binding sites, one in the N-terminal kinase region (amino acids 89-440) and one in the C-terminal guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor-like region (amino acids 441-729) of YopO, were identified. Actin binding to both of these sites was necessary for effective autophosphorylation of YopO on amino acids Ser-90 and Ser-95. A S90A/S95A YopO mutant was strongly reduced in substrate phosphorylation, suggesting that autophosphorylation activates YopO kinase activity. In cells the kinase activity of YopO regulated rounding/arborization and was specifically required for inhibition of Yersinia YadA-dependent phagocytosis. Thus, YopO kinase is activated by a novel G-actin binding process, and this appears to be crucial for its anti-host cell functions.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2007
pubmed 17121817