[Workplace health promotion through human resources development part II: practical transfer of qualification programme for prevention of psychic stresses].


This article is a follow-on from the first article on the development and evaluation of an intervention programme aiming to teach the staff of care facilities how to better deal with the mental strain they are exposed to. After a brief review of the programme's goal of 'increasing in-house health through staff development' and of the pilot study, this report initially shows how the findings from the pilot phase have been integrated into the original programme and what modifications have been carried out. For example, elements that proved to be successful such as the setting up of a 'steering circle' have been kept and, in addition, solutions for acknowledged weak points such as the insufficient transfer of the acquired knowledge to everyday work situations have been developed. In order to adequately support health care facilities during the implementation of the programme, additional courses to train multipliers who are to offer the necessary assistance, were carried out. The article also covers the evaluation of the quality of the development programme and of the accompanying implementation of the programme by the multipliers. At the end, a practical example is used to illustrate the issue and to demonstrate what actual shape the implementation at the different facilities can take.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2010
pubmed 19492281