[Treatment oriented to subjective well- being rather than symptom amelioration "at all costs"--paradigm change in treatment with antipsychotics]


Modern antipsychotics differ from the classical drugs mainly in their improved efficacy in combating affective, negative and cognitive symptoms and by a modified side effect profile. The variability range of such substances enable a more differentiated approach to treatment to be adopted. Patients treated with typical antipsychotics report a more pronounced improvement in subjective well-being. In view of the increasing numbers of atypical antipsychotics, the involvement of the patients in the selection of the most appropriate drug is a must. Apart from symptom amelioration - the formerly predominant goal of treatment - greater emphasis is now placed on the well-being of the individual patient on antipsychotic therapy. With this approach, the physician-patient relationship, compliance and the long-term prognosis can all be appreciably improved.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2005
pubmed 16193877