Treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations by neuroradiological intervention and surgical resection.

  • M Westphal
  • L Cristante
  • U Grzyska
  • N Freckmann
  • F Zanella
  • Hermann Zeumer
  • H D Herrmann


We present the results of a series of 105 patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) who were treated by a combined protocol including endovascular occlusive measures and open surgical resection. 25 patients were treated only by surgical intervention, 72 patients underwent preoperative endovascular embolization and 8 patients were treated only by embolization, seven of which were only treated for palliation. After superselective angiography the vascular territories suitable for endovascular or microsurgical approach were defined, and in most cases these territories were complementary to each other. In 56 cases, only one embolization was necessary and due to an advantageous co-localization of the departments the whole combined endovascular/neurosurgical procedure was done in one anesthesia. If several endovascular sessions were necessary (16 patients), the resection was mostly carried out immediately after the last neuroradiological session in the same anesthesia with total time of such combined procedure now averaging about 7 hours. According to the proposed grading system by Spetzler we treated 25 grade 1, 24 grade 2, 40 grade 3, 11 grade 4, and 5 grade 5 lesions. The overall success rate defined as complete resection without additional permanent neurological deficit was 89.6% (87 out of 97 surgical cases). The benefits of such combined approach to cerebral AVMs become apparent in shortened and safer surgical procedures as well as in a low complication rate.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 1994
pubmed 7537007