Trabajar con hijos de familias afectadas por toxicodependencias: la intervención grupal comunitaria TRAMPOLINE (Working with children from substance-affected families. The community-based program TRAMPOLINE)



Introduction: Children fromsubstance-affected families show an elevated risk for developing
own substance-related or othermental disorders. Frequently, they experience violence, abuse and neglect
in their families. Therefore, they are an important target group for preventive efforts. In Germany it is estimated
that approx. 2.65 million children are affected by parental substance abuse or dependence. Only
ten percent of them receive treatment when parents are treated. To date, no evaluated program for children
from substance-affected families exists in Germany. Methods: A new group intervention for children
from substance-affected families was developed and is currently being evaluated in a randomized-controlledmulticenter
study funded by the GermanMinistry of Health. The development process was simultaneously
guided by theory, existing research knowledge and expert opinion. Promoting resilience in children
affected by parental substance abuse is a key goal of the program. Results: The TRAMPOLINE manual
describes a 9-session addiction-focused,modular group programfor children aged 8 to 12 yearswith at least
one substance-using parent. Weekly sessions last for 90 minutes and combine psychoeducational elements
with exercises and role play. A two-session parent intervention component is also integrated in the
program. Content, structure and theoretical background of the intervention are described. Discussion:
TRAMPOLINE is a new interventive effort targeting children from substance-affected families. It is grounded
in theory and practice. The results of the research in progress will provide fundamental information on
the effectiveness of a structured group prevention program for German children from substance-abusing
families. Thus, the study will contribute to creating a broader andmore effective system of preventive help for this high-risk target group.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungArbeiten mit Kindern aus suchtbelasteten Familien.: Das gemeindebasierte Programm Trampolin
StatusVeröffentlicht - 2013