Towards accurate modeling of the multidimensional MPI physics


The MPI image reconstruction problem requires, particularly for 2D and 3D excitation patterns, a measured system matrix due to the lack of an accurate model that is capable of describing the nanoparticles’ magnetization behavior in the MPI setup. Here we exploit a model based on Néel rotation for large particle ensembles and we find model parameters that describe measured 2D MPI data with higher precision than state of the art MPI models, which is also illustrated in phantom experiments. This is a short summary of the recent work (4) to which we refer to for all further details.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2020

Anmerkungen des Dekanats

Funding Information:
T. Kluth acknowledges funding by the DFG (project no. 281474342/GRK2224/1) and support by the BMBF (project no. 05M16LBA). T. Knopp acknowledges the financial support by the DFG (grant no. KN 1108/2-1) and the BMBF (project nos. 05M16GKA and 13XP5060B).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Kluth et al.; licensee Infinite Science Publishing GmbH.