Subgaleal hematoma in child abuse.

  • D Seifert
  • Klaus Püschel

Beteiligte Einrichtungen


The mother brought her 31/2-year-old son to a paediatric clinic as his forehead was swollen and bluish in appearance. She was unable to give any explanation for this lesion. Clinically it was noted that a very visible and also palpable, doughy swelling was present both in the forehead as well as the hard skull areas. Some hours later, a massive bilateral periocular haematoma appeared. Whilst X-rays were unable to provide any diagnostic help, the sonographic examination of the skull carried out on the same day revealed an extensive subgaleal haematoma. This phenomenon is described in radiological literature as "scalping" and is caused by the use of considerable, blunt violence against the head (shear stresses, e.g. by pulling at the hair). The mother's boyfriend later confessed forceful pulling of the hair.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2006
pubmed 16191474