Simulationsbasiertes Training - Für den Notfall vorbereitet sein in Anästhesie und Notfallmedizin: Auf dem Weg zu neuen Standards der Ausbildung in Deutschland


Medical expertise consists of knowledge, professional skills and individual attitudes. Training and education of this expertise starts in medical school and develops throughout the qualification process of anesthesists and emergency physicians. Medical decisions are not only rational but also intuitive. The combination of these characteristics cannot and should not be trained on patients. The implementation of modern simulation techniques offers the opportunity to train for emergency situations similar to training systems in the energy industry and aviation. Repetitive training of rare emergency situations brings routine to seldomly used procedures. In simulation training mistakes can be detected and systematically corrected. The team interactions and soft skills can also be focussed on. Video analysis gives the participant the opportunity for self-reflection and can lead to correction of individual behavior patterns. This dimension of education cannot be done in real patient care. This training goes far beyond the level of skills training. Through simulation training involves the whole team, the communication and the interaction between the team members in medically challenging situations. Crisis resource management leads to measurable improvements in patient safety and safety culture as well as personnel satisfaction.

Bibliografische Daten

Titel in ÜbersetzungSimulation-based training in anesthesia and emergency medicine: preparation for the unexpected: on the way to new standards of education in Germany
StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.2015
PubMed 25385040